
  Memory is a our cognitive storage system in the brain or mind for storing and retrieving information .It is truly a crucial aspect of our cognition .If we did not possess memory, we would enable to remember things and retain new information. Memory is very closely related to the learning. Whereas, learning is the process of acquiring new information or skills. The power that we have to ‘store’ our experiences, and to bring them into the field of our consciousness sometime after the experience have occurred, is termed “memory “.                                                                                                                                                         Encoding-This means converting information into a form that can be entered into memory .Encoding is used to analyze or manipulate the data.                                                                                                  Storage- This means retaining information over varying periods of time.                                                         Retrieval- Retrieval means locating and accessing information when it needed at later times. The two basic type of retrieval are recognition and recall. Recognition means to consider something features and then decide whether it’s matched to that object or not. While recall means person trying to remember the things that happened to him.                                                                                                                      Types of Memory-There are three different types of memories long term memory, short term memory and sensory memory.                                                                                                                                             1) Long term Memory- Long term memory means permanent memory which means person remember that thing which was happened to him decade ago .Long term memory include huge information.                 2) Short term Memory- Short term memory means person only think about the current situation and then forget it later. The information that is not considered as important by person fades away rapidly.                    3)  Sensory Memory- As the names describe, the sensory memory provide information to that which we can sense. Sensory memory is affiliated with one form of energy to another. Like sound, smell, heat, cold etc.


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