Partition of Punjab

 The 1947 partition of the Punjab divided it into two parts east Punjab and west Punjab. The name Punjab, compound of two words, panj(five) and ab(water) means the land of five rivers namely Sutlej, Beas, Ravi,  Jhelum and chenab. But in 1947, Punjab had been divided and the larger area of the land 158,347 square km went to Pakistan and the remaining 95,687 km square in India.It was a massive violence in which large number of population had been exchanged.Around 10 millions people were affected with this violence. Everyone lost their homes, land and shops and move to other side.It become notorious in the history as the bloody battlefield in which millions of people were killed without any reason.                                                            There are various views on the partition of Punjab, one of them the clashes between

different religions of people. However, the situation of Punjab was more complex. Punjab with competitive religious landscape was worse affected in the 19th century.                                                                               Sikhs were not initially in the favour of partition of Punjab even they are extremely against it because it could disturb their social, economic and religious situation.But due to some political reasons that happened in the Muslim community they started violence and start killing Hindu and Sikhs.With the affect of this millions of people were killed.During the political crisis in Punjab in March and April 1947 the sikhs finally threw their suggestion for partition. The congress working committee adopted a resolution in March 1947 “that Punjab should be partitioned if Pakistan was created violence. A delegation of 11 non-Muslim MLAs of Punjab put a request to pandit Jawahar lal Nehru in which they clearly demanded the partition of Punjab.                                                             Conclusion- The partition of Punjab was a tragedy that is remembered to date as it affected the life of millions of people.There was a complete breakdown authority in the city.


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